Forgot Something?

Maybe you forgot to add some important items, or maybe you accidentally ordered the wrong type of corset boning... If we receive your request to modify the order before it has been pulled & shipped then we can help you out!

I Need to Add Some Forgotten Items:

Here's the easiest way to add some items to your original order:

I Need to Modify or Delete Some Items:

The easiest way to modify any items in your original order is to list all incorrect items in the "Items to Cancel" field, and then list the corrected items in the "Items to Add" field.

For example: If you accidentally ordered 5 rolls of 1/2" White Bone Casing but you wanted 5 Rolls of 1/2"Black Bone Casing, then CANCEL the original 5 rolls of White and then ADD the corrected 5 rolls of Black in the appropriate fields of the form.


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